Prices for Feb 06 2025: Cocoa [ CIF: 5838FCFA/kg FOB: 5720FCFA/kg Buying Price Douala, (by Exporters) MIN: 4500FCFA/kg MAX: 5000FCFA/kg ] Robusta Coffee [ CIF: 3582FCFA/kg FOB: 3439FCFA/kg Buying Price Moungo MIN: 2000FCFA/kg MAX: 2500FCFA/kg ] Prices for Feb 04 2025: Cocoa [ CIF: 6829FCFA/kg FOB: 6696FCFA/kg Buying Price Douala, (by Exporters) MIN: 4500FCFA/kg MAX: 5000FCFA/kg ]


Cocoa and coffee farmers have been sensitized on the new requirements of cocoa and coffee marketing and export. 

This was during a sensitization workshop that held on Thursday August 28, 2024 at U-compex in Limbe, in prelude to the 11th edition of Meveo Cultural and Development Assembly (MEVCUDA).

Speaking during the workshop, the General Manager of the National Cocoa and Coffee Board(NCCB) Mr. Michael NDOPING enlightened farmers on the new provisions of the text on buyer and exporter obligations and export modalities. He advised farmers to operate legally and enjoy the lucrative opportunities offered by the African Continental Free Trade Agreement.

The Government's vision to diversify the Cocoa and coffee trade is inspired by the huge loss in foreign exchange through clandestine cocoa trade to neighbouring Nigeria, and by the fast approaching deadline of the EU Regulations on deforestation slated for December 2024. 

During the exchange, farmers raised concerns about their difficulties encountered and also helped enrich the fight against clandestine cocoa trade by highlighting new exit ports in the Southwest. 

A broad-based sensitization meeting involving all farmers and operators shall take place in the weeks ahead in the Southwest.

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