Prices for Feb 06 2025: Cocoa [ CIF: 5838FCFA/kg FOB: 5720FCFA/kg Buying Price Douala, (by Exporters) MIN: 4500FCFA/kg MAX: 5000FCFA/kg ] Robusta Coffee [ CIF: 3582FCFA/kg FOB: 3439FCFA/kg Buying Price Moungo MIN: 2000FCFA/kg MAX: 2500FCFA/kg ] Prices for Feb 04 2025: Cocoa [ CIF: 6829FCFA/kg FOB: 6696FCFA/kg Buying Price Douala, (by Exporters) MIN: 4500FCFA/kg MAX: 5000FCFA/kg ]

Coffee: NCCB trains Kribi Hotel Chefs on Coffee Brewing techniques

The General Manager of NCCB, Mr. Michael Ndoping Wednesday May 11, 2022 opened a two day training workshop on coffee Brewing techniques in Kribi.  

The capacity building workshop that brought together a score of hotel sous-Chefs in the seaside resort town of Kribi, is part of an extensive cross-country programme initiated by NCCB to improve on the quality of Coffee served at all consumption points in Cameroon.

It is also part of measurs taken to boost local consumption of Cameroon Coffee. 

The workshop ends Thursday May 12, 2022. 


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